Matrix operations
- Product matrix and matrix transpose, X'pxnXnxp=Zpxp.
X' is matrix X transpose. Z is symmetrical matrix
> t(X)%*%X
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 10 2
[2,] 2 8
> X%*%t(X)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 5 3 4
[2,] 3 9 0
[3,] 4 0 4
There are some rules.
(X+Y)'=X'+Y' equally (X'+Y)=X+Y'
(XY)'=Y'X' equally (X'Y)'=Y'X
Product of vector matrix transpose (is a vector) and vector matrix is sum square
Product of vector matrix and vector matrix transpose is a symmetric matrix
- Symmetric matrix of invert
set , so invert matrix
R code
> (X<-matrix(c(1,3,7,2), ncol=2))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 7
[2,] 3 2
> solve(X)#the function solve() invert matrix X
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.1052632 0.36842105
[2,] 0.1578947 -0.05263158
Matrix invert make sense one if the matrix is a diagonal matrix. So X'X could be diagonal matrix
if X is not a diagonal matrix. There are some rules.
if X is not a diagonal matrix. There are some rules.
(ABC)-1=C-1B-1 A-1
Linear algebra of AY=C
- Hat matrix: H=X(X'X)-1X'
> X
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
[2,] 3 0
[3,] 0 2
> (H=X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.5263158 0.1578947 0.4736842
[2,] 0.1578947 0.9473684 -0.1578947
[3,] 0.4736842 -0.1578947 0.5263158
With H=X(X'X)-1X, hat matrix is n x n matrix. The diagonal vector is known as leverage scores vector.
There is n is number of observations, and here n=3. p is the number of
coefficients. Due to , hii express how much observations yi has impact on expected
value of yi. A large hii indicates that the i th case is distant from the average X values and more
leverage. In this example, the highest leverage score is 0.9473684. The theoretical ideal result for
H matrix would all elements are the same, of which hii =p/n. If an element in the hat matrix diagonal
is twice as great as the average value p/n, the observations should be considered a leverage point
and one ought to be cautious about it.
There is n is number of observations, and here n=3. p is the number of
coefficients. Due to , hii express how much observations yi has impact on expected
value of yi. A large hii indicates that the i th case is distant from the average X values and more
leverage. In this example, the highest leverage score is 0.9473684. The theoretical ideal result for
H matrix would all elements are the same, of which hii =p/n. If an element in the hat matrix diagonal
is twice as great as the average value p/n, the observations should be considered a leverage point
and one ought to be cautious about it.
There are some features of hat matrix.
- H is symmetric. So H'=H.
- H is idempotent. So HH=H.
- I is a 0 symmetric matrix with 1 in diagonal. proof (I-H)'=I-H, (I-H)'(I-H)=I-H and (I-H)(I-H)I-H
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