Thursday, May 24, 2018

Multiple Linear regression: Residuals

Multiple Linear regression: Residuals

Here is a linear regression model in R
> lm2<-lm(wt~age+ht, data=d)
> summary(lm2)

lm(formula = wt ~ age + ht, data = d)

    Min     1Q Median       3Q Max
-2.48498 -0.53548  0.01508 0.51986 2.77917

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -8.297442   0.865929 -9.582 <2e-16 ***
age          0.005368 0.010169   0.528 0.598
ht           0.228086 0.014205  16.057 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.9035 on 182 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9163,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9154
F-statistic: 995.8 on 2 and 182 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The estimated coefficient using OLS

  1. What is residual denoted as ε.
Consider a multiple variate linear regression model (MvLR). Suppose that there is linear relationship between X and Y.
In another word, is independent random variable (iid).

There are equations if there is column matrix εnx1:

So column matrix εnx1 follows multivariates Gaussian distribution: ε ~ MVG(0, σ2I), which indicates a multivariate normal distribution of ε with mean 0nx1 and the variance-covariance matrix σ2Inxn.

There is residuals sum of squares (RSS):
  1. Estimation of residual using OLS.
Because the population residuals are unknown, so consider OLS residuals based on observed data.
Consider OLS residuals
Consider another equation of

OLS residual is unbiased estimator of ε.
Proof variance of :
There is linear algebra theorem Var(Xv)=XVar(v)X' where v is a column and X is a matrix.
=(I-H)Var(Y)(I-H)'=Var(Y)(I-H)(I-H)'=σ2I(I-H)(I-H)= σ2(I-H)


  1. Estimation of variance of residuals
It is supposed that ε follow gaussian distribution, ε ~ MVG(0, σ2I), σ2 is the population variance, but it is unknown. We then estimate σ2 with . So there is a definition on , n is number of observations, and p is number of coefficients:
Proof is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the disturbance.

There is prediction error sum of squared (PESS) or residuals sum of squares (RSS):
So residuals standard error :
95% CI of :
The PESS estimate is useful as summary measure of a model's ability to predict new observations.

  1. R Code
R code:
#matrix of independent variables
> X<-cbind(rep(1, nrow(d)), as.matrix(d[,c('age','ht')]))
> head(X)
     age ht
446 1   1 52.4
671 1   1 53.6
241 1   2 56.2
261 1   2 54.7
301 1   2 54.1
196 1   3 57.0
> dim(X)
[1] 185   3
#matrix of depencent variable:
> Y<-as.matrix(d$wt)
> dim(Y)
[1] 185   1
#degree of freedom
> (df=nrow(X)-length(coef(lm2)))
[1] 182
#OLS_beta: beta0, beta1, beta2
> (OLS_beta<-ginv(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%Y)
[1,] -8.297442239
[2,]  0.005368228
[3,]  0.228085501
#hat matrix
> H<-X%*%ginv(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)
> dim(H)
[1] 185 185

Here is R code to calculate OLS residuals:
> residuals<-(diag(1, nrow(X))-H)%*%Y
> dim(residuals)

> #standard error of residuals
> (se_residuals<-sqrt(t(Y)%*%(diag(1, nrow(X))-H)%*%Y/df))
[1,] 0.9034802
> #95% CI of residuals
> (t95<-qt(0.975, df=182, lower.tail=F))
[1] 1.973084
> df<-data.frame('residuals'=residuals,
+ 'lower_bound'=as.numeric(residuals)-t95*se_residuals,
+ 'upper_bound'=as.numeric(residuals)+t95*se_residuals)
> head(df)
     residuals lower_bound upper_bound
446  0.44039334   -1.342249 2.223036
671 -0.13330852   -1.915951 1.649334
241  0.06830038   -1.714342 1.850943
261 -0.08957137   -1.872214 1.693071
301  0.04728045   -1.735362 1.829923
196  0.48046383   -1.302179 2.263106

Then histogram of residuals
> hist(residuals, main='OLS residuals')
> abline(v=c(-t95*se_residuals, 0, t95*se_residuals),
+ col=c('blue', 'green', 'red'), lwd=3)

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