Thursday, May 24, 2018

Coefficients of Correlation and Covariance

Coefficients of Correlation and Covariance

Distribution: Bernoulli Trials

Distribution: Bernoulli Trials

Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

Distribution: Poisson distribution

Distribution: Poisson distribution

Logistic regression: binary regression 2x2x2 table

Logistic regression:  binary regression 2x2x2 table

Logistic regression: binary LR using 2x2 table

Logistic regression: binary LR using 2x2 table

Logistic Regression: Diagnostics

Logistic Regression: Diagnostics

Logistic regression: Introduction

Logistic regression: Introduction

Logistic regression: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of coefficients

Logistic regression: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

logistic regression: Prediction

logistic regression: Prediction